If you’re a fan of sweet potatoes, then you might be wondering what the differences are between them and yams. While they are two different vegetables, they can be interchangeable in many dishes and recipes.
Yams are native to Africa and Asia and have a thick brown skin and white starchy inside. Sweet potatoes are native to South America and have a thin red skin and orange sweet inside.
When it comes to the way they are cultivated, that is when the main difference comes in. Yams are grown in dry hot climates, while sweet potatoes are grown in moist warm climates. The difference in temperature results in different textures, with potatoes ending up being sweeter and softer than yams.
The starch levels are also a big difference between the 2. Potatoes are less starchy, making them the preferred choice for frying. Yams are starchier, making them better suited for baking or boiling.
M&P Engineering is a world leading UK based manufacturer of food processing equipment. One of our most popular machines is the Carousel Grid Cutting Machine.
Our Carousel Grid Cutting machine is a versatile machine that can cut potatoes, fruits, and other vegetables into fries, batons, wedges, petals, and slices. You can see it in action here.
In addition, M&P also supplies a top of the range Radish Top & Tailer, which tops and tails up to 100 radishes per minute. It can operate on a wide range of sizes and shapes and is easy to maintain. Learn more about it here.
M&P Engineering also has available a world-renowned onion peeling machine. M&P’s large onion peeler uses self-adjustable knife assemblies to top, tail and peel onions. Learn more about it here.
If you would like any more information about our products, please contact us here.