Earlier this summer, farmers across the globe issued stark warnings of a potential onion shortage for the remainder of the year due to unprecedented weather. In some parts of the UK, vegetables yields fell by up to 50%. In India, the price of onions soared and have continued to do so throughout the year as a result of yet another shortage due to extreme weather, the latest as part of an on-going crisis that the nation has been fighting for a number of years. South Africa have also been a victim of the weather, with farmers reporting to have planted 30% of the usual acreage due to a dry summer. It is expected that the true impact of these alarming figures will come into effect by following spring at the latest with UK farmers warning consumers and retailers to expect to see shortages of major crops in the new year.
With extreme hot summers predicted to continue for the next few years at least, farmers across the globe are set to face more trials and tribulations when harvest time comes. It is not known for certain what the long-term impacts will be if these shortages are to continue past next year, with one prediction being that the pricing of vegetables will take on a value of scarcity whereby prices will increase drastically depending on how serious the shortage is, as seen already in India. With this, a knock-on effect may start to take place between farmers, retailers and consumer spending.
With a shortage expected next year and the possibility of more to come, it will be interesting to see what can be done to limit the impact shortages can have on farmers, retailers and consumers alike moving forward.
M&P Engineering is a leading designer and manufacturer of food processing equipment, including their world-renowned onion peeling machine. M&P Engineering’s onion peeling machine uses a system of self-adjusting floating knife assemblies to top, tail and peel onions in a dry peeling process. The dry onion peeling process is able to process up to 750kg of onions per hour. M&P also provides filling and depositing machinery to the food production industry, delivering a reliable, fast process.
In addition to its range of onion peeling machines, M&P Engineering also offers further food processing equipment including its food depositors and rotary transfer units. For more information, call us on +44 (0)161 872 8378 or contact us here.